
Need to write copy? Stuck for a headline? Writer’s block?
If you’re not sure what to write, you’ll take longer to produce it. And that reduces your income or productivity. More worryingly, you might create work that isn’t effective.
So, how can you write great content - without spending all day on it?
The answer is: Copywriting Frameworks, Formulas and Checklists. It contains 56 systems for writing copy that’s distinctive, memorable and on target.
Use the examples in this book, and your copy will always be right first time.
This book is for anyone who’s needs to create persuasive...

Every day, an unseen army is working to advance the aims of corporations and the rich.
From accountants to trade associations, and from scientists to think tanks, the members of the concierge class serve their masters diligently, devising ways to help them evade taxes, change legislation, and sway public opinion.
And the result is more profit for the rich, a widening of inequality, and a weakening of democracy.
The Concierge Class is the first book to explain the inner workings of concierge capitalism. It shows how the affluent co-opt skilled professionals into hiding their cash, pushing their agenda, and whispering...